Wedge: formation heavily offensive, in which I greatly increased the parameters concerning the melee attack, the weapon damage and attack bonus, and I declined the defense melee and the armour (also for cavalry) The formations present in the mod are these: They provide in-game description (you can see in screens). These formations can be used by all the major Roman infantry units (including the four factions of Antonius, Lepidus, Octavius and Pompeius) and work both in the campaign and in custom battles.
In addition to formations, in this mod, unlike the DEI base, the “ Pilum Effect”, as well as the “ Javelin Effect”, were actually activated. This mod is the DEI version of my previous Best Roman Formations for vanilla (now also updated with the addition of cavalry formations I recommend use if you play vanilla). Works with the latest current version of DeI and the last Patch.